FDL Europe Event: Towards a Mission Control for Planet Earth


Frontier Development Lab Europe 2018 Event:

Towards a Mission Control for Planet Earth

The advent of earth observation system allows us to - in theory - understand the changing nature of the Earth as never before. Yet the grand challenge remains: how do we make sense of this new data availability to provide a useful way of observing our entire planet dynamically?


One key concept is the creation of a ‘Mission Control’ for Planet Earth, where artificial intelligence (AI) workflows automate the task of large scale multispectral data fusion and change detection to create useful solutions.  AI research accelerator FDL Europe is working with ESA and partners University of Oxford and the Satellite Applications Catapult to further the goals of this vision.

We hope you can join us for "Towards A Mission Control For Planet Earth" on Thursday 16th from 17.30 for 18.00 at the British Interplanetary Society, London SW8 1SZ.

In addition to future forward keynotes, this event features the first public presentations of findings from the inaugural FDL Europe. Based in the UK, two FDL Europe teams have been working to bring together AI tools and earth observation insight via an army of mentors and advisers to explore the creation of new disaster response systems and new maps for informal settlements across the globe.

RSVP to this event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fdl-europe-2018-towards-a-mission-control-for-planet-earth-tickets-48372638865

Program points:

17:30 Arrival

18:00 program and presentations:

Why we need a Mission Control for Planet Earth
Dr Emily Shuckburgh, British Antarctic Survey

21st Century Space Agency
Iarla Kilbane Dawe, Head of Phi-Lab, ESA Esrin

FDL Europe first findings presentations
Plus Q&A

Panel discussion | Intro to FDL
University of Oxford, Satellite Applications Catapult, ESA & NVIDIA

20:00 Refreshments & Networking

FDL Europe 2018 Research in short:

[FDL Team 1 - Disaster Relief]
While Earth Observation (EO) satellite imagery offers great potential to disaster responders, turning this data into usable tools often requires a manual and time consuming process. FDL Europe is looking to leverage state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the creation of EO-based disaster impact maps.

[FDL Team 2 - Informal Settlements]
One-third of the world’s urban population lives in informal settlements, yet quite often, the location and size of these settlements is simply unknown. FDL Europe is looking to combine EO and AI to map these settlements, estimate population size and enable governments and aid organizations to better protect and support these vulnerable groups.

Dr Emily Shuckburgh
Dr Emily Shuckburgh is a climate scientist and mathematician based at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). She leads the national research programme on the Southern Ocean and its role in climate (ORCHESTRA), is deputy head of the Polar Oceans Team and leads the Data Science Group at BAS. She holds a number of positions at the University of Cambridge (fellow of Darwin College, fellow of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and associate fellow of the Centre for Science and Policy). In the past she has worked at Ecole Normal Superieure in Paris and at MIT. She is a fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society and co-chair of their Climate Science Communications Group. She has also acted as an advisor to the UK Government on behalf of the Natural Envrionment Research Council. In 2016 she was awarded an OBE for services to science and the public communication of science. She is co-author with HRH The Prince of Wales and Tony Juniper of the Ladybird Book on Climate Change. 


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